Join Us - New Patient Registration at Anlaby Surgery

Anlaby Surgery

Haltemprice Leisure Centre

Springfield Way


HU10 6QJ

CAll: 01482 658918


Register Online

You can now register as a patient by using our new online registration service. Just fill-in the quick online form by clicking the button below


Alternative ways to register

How to register with the practice if you are not able to do it online:

First check below to see if you are in our catchment area (see checker on this page) by zooming to the Anlaby area on the map.  At the practice discretion , we may accept patients just outside our catchment area but will not be able to make home visits.

Please call at the reception desk. The receptionist will give you a registration form and a health questionnaire to complete. You can register with a GP in England regardless of your nationality or immigration status.  We will not ask about your immigration status and your information is confidential. If you are worried about giving us your address, please let us know

You will need to bring in a print out of your current repeat medications. Please note also that we can arrange an interpreter if you have issues understanding and communicating in English.

Once you have registered at the surgery you will require as New Patient Health Check (unless you are inder the age of 16 years). This is usually booked at the time of your regsitration.  

The New patient health check includes height, weight and BMI checks. Blood pressure is also measured and we will discuss lifestyle and give advice on diet and exercise. The consultation will also include a smoking status check with advice. Health screening status is also checked and we include a health history review with family history and risk assessments.


Enter your postcode into the area map. Your address pin will appear and be shown in relation to our practice area.
Currently there is a temporary fault on the return to area button. This is an issue beyond our control but will be fixed shortly. In the meantime you can locate our practice area and enter your postcode to reveal a pin showing whether your address is inside our catchment area. This is achieved by using the mouse pointer and scroll button before entering your postcode once the shaded area appears.

Change of Address/ Details

No changes to Dates of Birth can be accepted online - proof must always be provided for these (e.g. a passport or birth certificate). Please attend the Practice to complete a form for this.

Changes of name - other than for reasons of marriage - must also be submitted using a paper form at the Surgery, with proof provided.

·Please remember to inform any other Hospitals, Clinics and other healthcare providers of your change of details if you are currently under treatment with them.

NHS Health Check

Why not take advantage of a free NHS Health Check? This will help you to prevent heart disease, stroke, diabetes, kidney disease and dementia. 

Equality & Diversity

The Practice is committed to eliminating discrimination, harrasment and victimisation. We aim to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different parts of the community

The Practice is committed to eliminating discrimination, harrasment and victimisation. We aim to advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between different parts of the community

Named Accountable GP

We are required under our contract to allocate a named accountable GP for all patients.  However, you may still see whichever GP you prefer in the usual way.  If you are not already aware of your named accountable GP, this information is available on repeat medication slips or by simply by requesting the information from the surgery.

Please do not hesitate to contact us iof you have any questions.


Accessible Information Standard

The Accessible information standard (AIS) is an NHS England information standard which must be implemented by all organisations that provide NHS or adult social care.

The AIS aims to ensure that people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss receive information that they can access and understand - for example in large print, braile, professional communications support if they need it , such as a British Sign Language interpreter.

We want to get better at communicating with our patients. We want to make sure you can read and understand the information we send you. If you find it hard to read our letters or if you need someone to support you at appointments, please let us know:

If you need information in braille, large print or easy readIf you need a British Sign Language interpreter or advocate If we can support you to lipread or use a hearing aid or communication tool

Please tell the receptionist when you arrive for your next appointment, or call us on: 01482 658918. This information will be recorded on your medical record in a standardised way and highlighted to ensure we have information on your communication needs.

This information may be shared with other NHS and adult social care providers if required.

If you require a specific method of communication, please inform the practice as soon as possible to ensure this information is recorded. Accessible Information Format Request Forms are available from the reception desk or for download below.

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